Empower Me             Support Me                  Inspire Me                      Invest in Me

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Baxter Critical Care Institute (BCCI)

Baxter Critical Care Institute (BCCI) is your education partner for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) and multi-organ support therapies. It provides critical care professionals with a range of specialist-tailored resources to support ICU staff in addressing broader challenges around staffing, productivity, quality, and efficiency. BCCI’s comprehensive blended learning solutions are designed to support healthcare professionals at every stage of their career.


Different learning styles:

Research has shown that the most effective learning comes from blending different learning approaches together to increase learner satisfaction and the understanding of materials1,2.  Also, meeting the needs of different learning styles is an effective way to support learning3. Baxter Critical Care Institute offers, specialized learning solutions in a variety of formats to meet the specific education preferences and needs of critical care teams.


Visual Learners:

Self-directed Learning, Workbooks, Publications, Videos


Verbal Learners:

Virtual instructor led learning, face-to-face learning


Auditory Learners

Virtual Instructor Led Learning, Face-To-Face Learning, Webinars, Podcasts, Videos


Physical or Kinesthetic Learners:

 Face-To-Face Learning, Workbooks, Virtual Reality


Logical learners:

Self-directed learning, Virtual Instructor Led Learning, Face-To-Face Learning, Publications, Videos, Podcasts


Social & Interpersonal learners:

Virtual Instructor Led Learning, Face-To-Face Learning


Solitary & Intrapersonal learners:

Self-directed Learning, Publications, Videos, Podcasts

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Inspire Me…

…by providing specialized training that encourages learning.

  • Tailored training helps maximize learning with hands-on device training, guidance on standards, and preparation for real-world problem-solving.
  • Training content is regularly updated and can be delivered in a variety of ways, including face-to-face and on-demand learning.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) training for hands-on experience at any time and place that suits the needs of your staff.
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Empower Me…

…by promoting equitable learning that helps meet individual professional goals.

  • Easily accessible content available on multiple platforms.
  • Bitesized learning that is intuitive to use and easy to navigate.
  • Relevant and specialized learning focused on both theoretical and practical knowledge that can
    be completed at a time to suit your schedule.
  • Work with our team of clinical specialists to develop data driven CRRT quality improvement programs that align with your hospital’s performance goals.
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Support Me…

…with customized content, including materials designed by ICU clinicians for ICU clinicians.

  • Baxter partners with KOLs to gather insights and case studies that are accessible via the platform.
  • Peer to peer education to support discussion, collaboration, and practice away from the ICU.
  • A variety of educational content in a resource library that includes live webinars and downloadable recordings.
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Invest in Me…

…with professional development and learning opportunities that help support you in delivering treatments with confidence.

  • Offer your team professional development opportunities with specialist resources that can support users with education and training for every experience level.
  • Manage, access, and track usage and performance of all education and training modules, including VR training for Prismax, through the BCCI On-Demand Learning Hub.
  • Flexible learning opportunities that are available 24/7 and can be delivered at a time and place to suit you.

BCCI's On-Demand Learning Hub

BCCI's On-Demand Learning Hub provides a range of specialist tailored material and learning resources across a variety of platforms to support differentiated learning needs. 

1. A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Blended Versus Face-to-Face Delivery of Evidence-Based Medicine to Medical Students. J Med Internet Res. 2015 Jul; 17(7): e182. Published online 2015 Jul 21.
2. Tom Page, Gisli Thorsteinsson, Andrei Niculescu, A Blended Learning Approach to Enhancing Innovation. Studies in Informatics and Control. Vol.17, No 3, September 2008.
3. Nkemcho Jef, Natasha Sobers-Grannum, Uma Gaur, Alaya Udupa, MD. Anwarul Azim Majumder, Learning style preferences: A study of Pre-clinical Medical Students in Barbados. Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism. October 2017; Vol 5 No 4.





Contact your local representative today regarding pricing and availability.
Please note the virtual reality tool for the Prismax system is for training purposes only and does not replace the Instructions for Use (IFU). Baxter VR Training solution does not provide any augmented reality training experience (Baxter VR Training does not interact with any real-life objects).

Baxter and Prismax are registered trademarks of Baxter International Inc.